Katherine Andrews
December 21, 2023 --

Papers 2023 in Review


We are deeply thankful for all of our users who continue to use Papers to help organize and streamline their research. Our goal is always to make your research life a little easier, and we hope you’ve experienced this with every new improvement and feature released in 2023. We are excited for the updates we have planned for 2024, but before we jump too far ahead, we’d like to take a quick trip down 2023’s memory lane.

This year, we hosted 215 complimentary live training sessions, which reached over 1,500 people – that’s a lot of free knowledge. We hosted these for students, researchers, labs, start-ups, and individual departments. You can sign up for one today!

Papers users were busy this year, and added over 24.7 million documents to their Papers libraries. For some fun context, that’s over 6,000x the number of estimated scrolls that were in the Library of Alexandria.

And Papers users weren’t passively reading those documents this year. There were over 17.5 million annotations to PDFs – roughly 33 annotations per minute!

This work wasn’t done solo. Papers users collaborated with colleagues and fellow researchers, so much so that there are over 20,000 shared collaborative libraries. We hope these shared spaces are driving lively discussions across research teams.

Lastly, but certainly not least, there are roughly 112.7 million total documents in Papers, which, if printed and lined in a row, are nearly enough to fully circle the earth (but we won’t because #sustainability). That’s a lot of research.

We are grateful to be your trusted research partner, and look forward to continuing to support you and your research in 2024. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Papers’s robust functionality, please sign up for one of our live webinars.

If you are not yet a Papers subscriber, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial to get started.