2017 Wrap Up!

As 2017 winds down – we wanted to take this opportunity to send our most sincere thanks for being part of the ReadCube & Papers family. Our Favorite Highlights from…

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Great things are coming!

A quick update on the new app and the great things to come: Due to a couple of key architectural changes, which have taken longer than expected, we’ve had to…

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Glimpse into the new ReadCube Papers app

Check out our most recent update: http://blog.readcube.com/post/168755698872/great-things-are-coming From the outset both Papers and ReadCube were created to solve the problems researchers face every day, and have helped millions of researchers…

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Founder Stories

Papers Blog Message from the founders Feature Image

Founder Stories: Hear from one of ReadCube’s founders,  Siniša Hrvatin about the early days of ReadCube and how it all got started!

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