Alex Hodgson
December 31, 2014 --

2014 in Review!

Image of 2014 ReadCube Papers Update

For us, 2014 has been an incredible year of growth, from our team to our community of loyal researchers to our publisher partners to the capabilities of ReadCube itself.

With all the great accomplishments of 2014, it can be hard to pick favorites…but we’ll do it anyway! Here’s what we’re most proud of this year:

  • Over 8 million people used ReadCube to read, discover and manage their literature in 2014
  • 83 million pages were read in ReadCube this year! That’s almost a quarter of a million pages each day!
  • Our readers spent over 140 years worth of reading articles in ReadCube in 2014 which is over 11.5 years each month! 
  • We began working with over 27 new publishers including: Allen Press Inc, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Annual Reviews, Inc., ASCO, BioOne, BSA (ISPG), Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, Canadian Institute of Forestry, Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors, Canadian Young Scientist Journal, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Periodical for Community Studies, Canadian Science Publishing (NRC Research Press), Dietitians of Canada, Ecological Society of America, FASEB (ISPG), Health Affairs (ISPG), IGI Global, Institute of Physics, LymphoSign Journal LP, Maney Publishing, Rockefeller University Press, Royal Society of Chemistry, S. Karger AG, Society of Leukocyte Biology, Walter de Gruyter and Wolters Kluwer Health.
  • We now work with over 14 institutions who use ReadCube Access to supplement their existing collections to ensure their patrons get the articles they need for their research without hitting paywalls.
  • We added TON of new features including:

Full redesign of the Desktop App

ReadCube Mobile Apps for iOS and Android (Top Rated!)

ReadCube – with unlimited cloud storage, syncing across devices, watch folders and advanced article citation metrics

SmartCite – our easy-to-use citation tool for Microsoft Word

Importers for transferring libraries from other reference managers (including EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley, RefMan, Papers)

Nested sub-lists

Optimized our personalized recommendations – now they are better than ever!

  • We have partnered with Wiley to offer ReadCube Checkout across the Wiley Online Library. This means that for articles that you don’t have institutional access to, in addition to the standard PDF format, you now can choose to purchase a 48-hour rental or cloud version of the article at reduce prices points.
  • We were pleased partner with the Nature Publishing Group to become the first platform to support their Content Sharing Initiative.  Launched on 2 December, the initiative introduced new workflows for sharing and accessing content on, powered by ReadCube Connect.  We’re thrilled that through this initiative in just a few weeks thousands of researchers have gained new access to content.  We look forward to working with our ReadCube user community and our publishing partners to pioneer new research workflows in the coming year.
  • ReadCube was nominated for ALPSP Innovation in Publishing for our Interactive Web Reader.
  • We’ve continue to grow our Campus Ambassador program – with over 60 institutions represented.
  • Conference-mania – We got to meet so many of our users and partners this year at various events and conferences including NIH tent show, AAI, SfN and FASEB annual meetings, Charleston, SSP, Frankfurt Book Fair, ALPSP….

At any rate, it’s been an amazing 12 months, and we thank you for sharing it with us!


The ReadCube Team